All your TAL files in just a few clicks.

Oprio allows you to produce and manage all your requests to the Tribunal administratif du logement online.

Leading organizations trust Oprio to produce their TAL requests.

Sommet de la rive : Brand Short Description Type Here.
Groupe Maurice : Brand Short Description Type Here.
Jardins du patrimoine : Brand Short Description Type Here.

Centralize the production and management of your requests

Stop working in silos and enable your teams to collaborate effectively.


Never miss deadlines in your files again

Oprio allows you to stay in perfect control of your ongoing files.


Maximize your chances

Maximize your chances by preparing your files with the Oprio application.


Make your team autonomous in legal procedures

Oprio is designed to help residential property landlords choose the best possible recourse options and prepare high-quality TAL application files.


Reduce the costs associated with your requests

Oprio allows you to delegate the tasks of preparing and managing your requests to your administrative staff while optimizing the workflow.


We transform the work of industry leaders.

The largest residential landlords in Quebec use Oprio to produce and manage their TAL requests and empower their teams in handling their organization’s legal rental files.

Take control of your TAL files and adopt simplified legal processes.